Goldmedia-Preis für Medienwirtschaft an Felix Rusche. Die Twittersphäre von Politikern des Deutschen Bundestages.

Warum dieses Thema und worum geht es?

Felix Rusche: “Der Einfluss von sozialen Medien auf politische Debatten, Wahlen und Proteste hat in den vergangenen Jahren spürbar zugenommen. Im Kontext von Fake News, digitaler Empörung und politischer Polarisierung wird oft auf den besonderen Erfolg von Emotionen in der Meinungsverbreitung verwiesen. Basierend auf den Tweets von allen Bundestagsabgeordneten über mehr als ein Jahr sowie detaillierten Daten zu ihren Followern und Netzwerken zeigt meine Arbeit, dass es starke empirische Belege für diesen Zusammenhang gibt.”

Abstract zur Masterarbeit von Felix Rusche

Traditional media and, more recently, social media have strong effects on many aspects of human behavior, ranging from individual consumption to political participation and outcomes. It is thus important to understand the factors that make messages more successful in attracting viewership and user engagement, so that social media users turn from consumption to sharing information that others post online. In this context, sentiment has been suggested to be a driving force of information dissemination. However, the existing literature has many shortcomings. To improve upon it, this thesis utilizes a unique dataset of 171,625 tweets by all politicians elected into the German Bundestag in 2017 that were active on Twitter from August 2017 to October 2018. Given this, user fixed effects and user specific time-trends can be used in addition to which a high number of new control variables is introduced. The results show that particularly negative sentiment drives sharing behavior, but that these effects are heterogeneous. More specifically, the AfD, a right-wing populist party, profits most from the effect of negative sentiment. In addition, a number of comparative case studies suggest that effects are moderated by the underlying topic, and stronger for more divisive debates.

Last, this thesis also adds to the literature on echo chambers: In particular, it utilizes detailed information of all 1.78 million unique followers of Bundestag politicians and their 5.4 million connections into the Bundestag, to analyze which parties can be considered to be in an echo chamber. Introducing a new measure for polarization, it is shown that the AfD is most polarizing, given that, when compared to other parties, most of its politician’s followers only or mostly follow the AfD. To take a more specific look at the data, the adjacency table of all 1.78 million followers is drawn upon to group these. As a result, it is shown that the AfD’s ‘echo chamber’ is driven by a small group of ‘huge fans’ (7 percent of the AfD’s followers) that make up 50 to 75 percent of the average AfD politician’s followers.

Sie wollen noch mehr erfahren? Hier geht es zum Extended Abstract

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